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Piggy bank

Piggy banks have remained like a static piece of box that sits on one corner of our study table who's sole purpose is to collect coins/money. In this course of project, I have tried to study the other possible functions of this object and make it a 21st century, interactive product for children.

Journey of piggy bank

Piggy banks have been a tradition that most of the children love to follow. Collecting coins, counting them from time-to-time and then maybe spending some for something special. All of us as kids have some day maintained a piggy bank and some of us still do, giving us a nostalgic feeling. Piggy banks have been around since centuries but the functionality of it and what is represents have changed with the context. It used to be a place to save some extra money and now it has become an activity for parents to teach their kids the basics of money management. This gives a sense of independence to children which increases their ability to organise and understand about the financial situations from an early age. 

User research

Age 3

He does not understand the concept of money yet, however he knows the concept of 'exchange'. He associates this with card money where he knows that in order to buy something, this 'card' has to be exchanged

Age 5

He just started collecting coins in his new car shaped piggy bank. He understands the concept of money and can also differentiate between the value of notes

Age 10

He has multiple piggy banks where he segregates different kinds of coins. For example  ₹1 &  ₹2 coins in one and  ₹5 &  ₹10 in another

Age 11

He has a golden piggy bank and he uses this since he was 3. He saves as many coins as he can and the note money is transferred to his bank account by his parents 

Age 14

Piggy bank is not as important. He uses a wallet and spends money with his friends. So saving money in the piggy bank is not that important anymore 

Market research

Insights and design brief

It will be a product designed for children between the age group of 5 to 11 because this is the age where kids start understanding the value and concept of money and savings.


The product should full fill the purpose of collecting coins and it should have an opening from where the coins can be removed if the kid wishes to do so. 


It should ideally have a segregation/calculation of different coins that have been deposited in it. This has to be taken care of so that there is only one place where kids can save all their money.


It could also have a slot for notes so that it can be easily collected and at the same time easily removed if you want. 


It could be connected with an application that could have other important appointments/birthdays/reminders scheduled to remind the kid. 


There could be a reward system to keep the kid interested and involved during the journey of collecting money.


It should act as a companion/friend to that kid so it can trust the product and have an emotional value attached to it.


It should be battery operated


Electronic components


3.7 Batteries

Colour Sensor

LCD screen to display the amount

Inductive Sensor


Battery Case

Arduino Mini Pro with USB port

Mock ups and Prototype

Mood board


Final Form


Working prototype


Designed by Danisha Mehta 

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