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FIFI is a UI/UX project done with a batchmate in semester V. This project was creating after learning the basics of Arduino where we wanted to incorporate the learnings into a functional project. Hence, we created this smart toy 'FIFI' that was made for two main purposes. One, it runs away from toddles. Which means, kids will have to run behind it to catch it and two, the globe lights up into any desired colour and can be controlled with a remote control through an application.

Journey of FIFI

FIFI is a children's toy that was inspired by the cartoon characters of Tom & Jerry by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. All of us have seen the famous episodes of Tom & Jerry and loved it, haven't we? Some of us adore Jerry where as the others pitied Tom. But at the end, it was always the two of them against the world. This was our inspiration point and this was the bond that we wanted to capture and bring into reality amongst children. 


As mentioned above, this project includes our learning about Arduino and the purpose explained in the inspiration. Primarily, we started by exploring the different sensors/equipments that could give us the desired outcomes. What we wanted were three things, something that should sensor the presence of a person in front of it and the reaction to that would be the toy running away. Secondly, the toy had to glow which required a LED lighting or Neopixel roll to manipulate using an application. Lastly, It required a board that would receive the commands which are being controlled like a remote control toy. 


First, it will have an IR sensors in all four directions which will make the toy run away from the kid every-time the kid goes near it. This makes the toy interesting and curious and makes the kid run behind it. Second, it is connected with the IOT server, so whenever the toy is connected with WiFi, using an application you can control the toy. Third, with the use of the IOT server and Neopixel LED light, the colour of the light can be changed. 

Form Exploration


These forms were inspired by the Memphis movement which mainly consists of using simple geometric shapes and making the form look raw yet elegant at the same time. Another interesting feature extracted by this movement was the use of bright colours to make it attractive and bold.

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Form 3. final.129.jpg

Final Form

Our initial ideations started with simple geometric forms which were then modified to create an interesting form. We wanted to work around the concept of a sphere because it signifies a ball which fascinates children. A spherical shape is very unpredictable and very unique. Its movement is different from most of the geometric shapes and hence, a sphere was our starting point. After ideating and brainstorming ideas, we finalised the form where there is a sphere-like structure on a disk like platform for the electronics. This will serve the purpose of a glowing sphere that will attract the kids as well as holding the electronics.

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Form 3. final.46.jpg

Mock-up & Prototype

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Making the form on lathe to visualise it better and get the actual dimensions of the product so that the product architecture can be done properly.


3D printed parts are made in ABS with 2 acrylic plates in the base for supporting the electronic components. These 3D printed parts were joined with snap fitting and the motor for the wheels, IOT board, batteries and other wires were organised in the base so that they don't disturb the movement of the wheels. 


The 3D printed pieces were then spray painted for better finishing and representation of the colour combination of the toy. 


Final prototype & Assembly

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Working 3D printed model connect with Blynk and IOT. This enables the neopixel to emit the desired colour light, it enables the users to control the product and move it in the desired direction. 


The video below shows the initial working model of how it works. The prototype of the application is developed on AdobeXD seen after the video.

Application layout

App display.png

Application layout is done on AdobeXD where a prototype version

of the application that will control the toy is represented. 

Designed by Danisha Mehta & Hetvi Adalja

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